Curriculum for becoming an MLD teacher

Perfect mastery of Dr. Vodder’s method of Manual Lymph Drainage is an absolute prerequisite for teaching at the Dr. Vodder Academy International. The entry gate to this career is the completion of the four-week course for doctors, physiotherapists, massage therapists, nurses and ergotherapists.

For details concerning the U.S.A., Canada and Australia please refer to

For details concerning Europe and the rest of the world please refer to

Application process

A minimum of two years of clinical work is required before applying for the teacher training. The verification of the acquired technique has to be proofed in review course or in 1-week course with a director. In addition the applicant has to provide a documentation (case reports) of 5 patients. They can be submitted in English or German. After that a member of the Board will decide on admission to teacher training.

Quality assurance

We offer regular teachers‘ meetings around the world. Each teacher must attend a teachers‘ meeting at least every 2 years. Each teacher must attend a teachers‘ meeting in Walchsee / Austria at least every 4 years.

The different levels of the teacher training

The training for teachers consists of several levels that build on each other. Depending on the country you plan to teach in you can start teaching lymph drainage therapists after completing the level 1 training, or you have to complete level 1-3 first. We are happy to inform you what is applicable for your situation upon request. As a trainer you are also allowed to train future trainers according to the curriculum of the teacher trainings.

Teacher training – Level 1 (Basic Course)

Level 1 teachers teach level 1 lymph drainage courses according to the curriculum of the Dr. Vodder Academy International.

You need to assist in at least five Level 1 courses. At least two of the assistants must be with a level II or higher level teacher.
Pass level I online theory exam with at least a 90% pass mark. An online training in 13 languages ​​is available for this.
Pass a final examination with a director. It must be completed within 24 months of acceptance into teacher training. The exam requires to demonstrate and describe all level 1 techniques and some level 1 sequences.

Completion of Basic (Level I esthetician) and Advanced Neck & Face classes, and Basic and Advanced Body classes. Once the techniques have been approved by a director, applicant must complete a health care professional training, without final exams except Basic technique testing.
You need to assist in at least five Level 1 courses. At least two of the assistants must be with a level II or higher-level teacher.
Pass level 1 online theory exam with at least a 90% pass mark. An online training in 13 languages ​​is available for this.
Pass a final examination with a director. It must be completed within 24 months of acceptance into teacher training. The exam requires to demonstrate and describe all level 1 techniques and some level 1 sequences.

Teacher training – Level 2 (Applied MLD)

Level 2 teachers teach level 1 and level 2 lymph drainage courses according to the curriculum of the Dr. Vodder Academy International.

The training is open for level 1 course teachers that have taught at least five level 1 classes as the primary instructor.

You need to assist in at least four level 2 courses. At least one of them must be with a level 3 or higher level teacher, instructor or director. 50 % of pathologies must be explained by teacher-in-training.

Pass a final oral examination with a director. It must be completed within 24 months of acceptance into teacher training. The exam requires the explanation of at least three level 2 pathologies.

Teacher training – Level 3 (Lymphedema)

Level 3 teachers teach level 1, level 2 and level 3 lymph drainage courses according to the curriculum of the Dr. Vodder Academy International.

The training is open for level 2 course teachers that have taught at least five level 2 classes as the primary instructor.

You need to assist in at least three level 3 courses. In addition, you need to assist in a level 3 class in Austria where you teach the practical module of the course yourself.

Pass the theory exam with at least a 90% pass mark.

Pass a final examination with a director and the medical director. It must be completed within 24 months of acceptance into teacher training.

Teacher training – Esthetics Course Advanced Neck / Face or Advanced Body

Teachers of this level teach advanced neck / face or advanced body lymph drainage courses for estheticians according to the curriculum of the Dr. Vodder Academy International.

The training is open for level 1 course teachers that have taught at least five level 1 classes.

You need to assist in at least three advanced neck/face courses or three advanced body courses whereof one must be with at least a director.

Pass the theory exam with at least a 90% pass mark.

Pass a final examination with a director. It must be completed within 24 months of acceptance into teacher training.

Teacher training – Instructor Level

Instructors teach all levels of lymph drainage courses according to the curriculum of the Dr. Vodder Academy International. The instructor level authorization is granted by the board for 2 years at a time.

The training is open for teachers with at least 3 years of experience as level 3 teachers.

You must hold a (verifiable) minimum of 2 Level 3 classes a year.

You must have your technique reviewed by 2 directors (at teachers‘ meeting)

You must assist in at least 3 reviews level 3, whereof 1 review must be held autonomously in the presence of a director